Mindvalley Review 2024: The Truth Revealed!

The things that Mindvalley’s quests promise seem too good to be true. I also thought the same before I tried Mindvalley for a year. 

Additionally, all Mindvalley courses are too expensive not to give a second thought before buying, and I want to see a detailed Mindvalley review. This is the reason you’re here, right? 

I can relate to your dilemma. Therefore, before buying my Mindvalley subscription, I went through some reviews on YouTube and blogs. 

Now that I have completed multiple Mindvalley quests, I should share my experience and help you decide whether you should get Mindvalley memberships. 

Let’s get started. 

Who Is Mindvalley For? 

Before we jump into the Mindvalley quests, how they work, price, etc., let’s first understand who Mindvalley is for. 

Mindvalley is for everyone trying to find a perfect direction in their life, be it related to their careers, health & Fitness, or mental and emotional stability. 

Mindvalley has more than fifty courses curated by personalities ruling their niche. 

But does that mean everyone will benefit from Mindvalley programs? In my opinion, No. But why? 

 Mindvalley Review - Overview

Most Mindvalley quests are based on meditation, manifestation, understanding energies, and putting them into the proper practice. 

Mindvalley personal growth quests require your spiritual belief, have faith in the process without speculation. If you are someone who does not believe in such a process, you may not benefit from the courses. 

Even though we don’t realize it, we have so much potential and the ability to control our minds and put our powers in the right direction. Hence, keeping faith in the process is essential. 

What Kind Of Quests Does Mindvalley Offer? 

Here is the list of Quests that Mindvalley offers.

  • Mind
  • Soul
  • Performance
  • Fitness
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Career
  • Relationship
  • Parenting

As mentioned above, Mindvalley offers personal growth quests/ courses. Its programs are not based on any academic knowledge. 

The course of this online learning platform is based chiefly on different meditation programs. Its courses cater to different categories of life, which I’ll mention in a second. 

Course duration for most programs is between 3 to 7 weeks. Each program comes with bite-size classes of not more than 30 to 40 minutes so that everybody can fit them into their schedule. 

Here are the categories in which we can segregate the quests- 

  • Mind: Popular quests under this category are- the Silva Ultramind System, Uncompromised Life, and the Quests For Personal Mystery. These courses help train our minds for mental peace, enhancing productivity, focus, and overall development. 
 Mindvalley Review - Mind
  • Soul: Most of us go through traumatic experiences in life that leave a permanent impact and bother our inner happiness. If you are suffering from something similar, Mindvalley quests like- the Duality, Life Vision Mastery, Energy Medicine, Unlocking Transcendence, Chakra Healing, etc., are there to help you. 
 Mindvalley Review - Soul
  • Performance: The performance-based quests are for those who are struggling to bring the best out of their careers, education, habits, behaviors, etc. The top courses under this category are- Super Reading, Super Brain, and Everyday Bliss. 
 Mindvalley Review - Performance
  • Fitness: If you have struggled to keep up with your fitness routine, break your food addiction, or heal your body, Mindvalley has you covered. Most of them do it wrong by trying to follow a strict diet or working out excessively. 

Mindvalley’s approach to Fitness or body is different and does not require us to compromise on our taste buds or spend hours in the gym. Some of the best fitness programs are- 10X Fitness, Wildfit, the Mindvalley Yoga Quest, and the Mastery of Sleep

  • Entrepreneurship: Although many of us want to start our own business, we lack the courage to delve into the entrepreneurship journey. 

Quests in Mindvalley like- Be Extraordinary, Hero Genius Legend, Lisa Nicholas- Speak & Inspire, The Quest For Personal Mastery, Zero To $100 Million, etc., are there to help boost your confidence and see beyond the average. 

  • Career: Obstacles in a career are common to all of us. Settling down into the workplace or your own business includes a lot of frustration, failed projects, thoughts of giving up, and the like. 

The quests on careers offered by Mindvalley help us to stay motivated and bring out the best version of ourselves. Popular courses in this category are- Speak & Inspire, The New Psychology Of Winning, Lifebook, Money EQ, Becoming Focused & Indistractable. 

  • Relationship: The modern world’s complications have also complicated our relationships. Most of the time, we struggle to keep up with our relationships with our parents, loved ones, colleagues, and friends. 

Communication is the key to every relationship, and most fail there. If this sounds similar to you, you can try Mindvalley quests like- Conscious Parenting Mastery, Conscious Uncoupling, Mastering Authentic Network, etc. 

  • Parenting: Teenage Life & Kids: Parenting is more complex than we imagine. Significantly when your child starts growing. You must learn to guide your child in the right direction without being strict or disrupting communication. 

Quests in Mindvalley like- Conscious Parenting Mastery, Little Humans, Be Extraordinary For Teens, Creating Friendship & Deep Connections, etc. are here to help you with that. 

Of course, I couldn’t cover all the courses in one year. I only did quests that were of concern, but since I took the Mindvalley All-Access Pass, I could access all the quests. I went through the main objective of most of the quests to find the central idea behind them. 

How Much Does Mindvalley Cost? 

There is no denying that Mindvalley is pretty expensive. Its quests are priced from $199 to $999 with lifetime access to the program. 

But buying individual quests at such prices is not affordable for everyone. You also don’t necessarily need lifetime access to a single course. Hence, the better option is to go for the Mindvalley All-Access pass. 

Mindvalley - Pricing

Mindvalley All-Access pass is a lot cheaper than the single courses. With the All-Access pass, you’ll have access to all the 50+ quests, attend weekly meditations hosted by their popular trainers, and join the community of fellow members to share your experience and learn from theirs. 

There are two types of All-Access membership- monthly and yearly. The prices are as follows- 

Plan Price 
Monthly subscription $59/month 
Yearly subscription $299/year 

The All-Access pass also comes with a 15-day money-back guarantee. After starting a program, if you feel it’s not the right platform for you, you can request a refund by going to the Mindvalley refund page.  If you’re ready to get started with Mindvalley? Don’t miss out on our MissionGraduate exclusive Mindvalley coupon for incredible savings on life-changing personal growth courses

Please note that Mindvalley shows different prices on different pages. Currently, they are offering the All-Access membership at the discounted price I mentioned. Make sure to check multiple pages before making the purchase. 

Is Mindvalley Worth Trying For? My Experience 

I would say Mindvalley is definitely worth the time and money. If you are going through a rough patch, lack motivation, or want to focus on self-improvement, there is nothing better than Mindvalley. 

During this one year of trying Mindvalley, I have taken seven quests, all of which have helped me become a better version of myself. I signed up for Mindvalley because I was finding it difficult to find a perfect balance between career and life. 

And ironically, even after trying my best, I struggled to achieve my career goals. I started watching motivational videos, and one day I came across the Silva Ultramind video of Vishen Lakhiani. 

Mindvalley - Author

I found it quite fascinating and researched more about Mindvalley. After going through several reviews, I signed up for the All-Access pass, and I must say I made the best life decision. 

I started with the Silva Ultramind quests, and I was stunned at how we can achieve so much by training our minds in a certain way. 

My next quest was Duality by Jerrefry Allen. Again this is one of the best quests in Mindvalley. It’s a self-healing program with guided meditation and different exercises. 

As I said, I was struggling with my personal and professional life. A lot of times, I found myself questioning what I was doing wrong. 

The meditation helped me find answers through manifestation, getting rid of energy blocks by connecting to the energy side, as he calls it. These seven-week quests fully transformed how I saw life and helped me find happiness and peace. 

Lifebook Online and Wildfit are my other two favorite quests. Lifebook was again all about achieving our career goals without compromising inner happiness. 

I’m sure most of you have been struggling to keep up with your fitness routine. What we do wrong is randomly start a diet plan or join a gym without understanding our relationship with food. 

Wildfit is all about understanding how packaged foods are making our food addictive and is a significant obstacle in our journey towards Fitness. 

The other quests I tried were Super Reading, Chakra Healing, and Money EQ, and none of the courses disappointed me. But yes, sometimes some of the episodes get a bit monotonous other than that, I found all the quests extremely helpful. 

There are a lot of complexities in current life. We all compromise on inner peace and happiness in trying to cope with education, career, and relationships. Mindvalley is a platform that truly helps in finding the perfect balance. 

If you ask whether I will renew my Mindvalley membership, my answer is Yes. I want to take up more quests and continue with the guided meditations. 

Some Of The Best Mindvalley Quests You Should Enroll In 

I already gave you a detailed breakdown of most of the courses Mindvalley has. But the following are some of the best quests you can enroll in for your overall development- 

Mindvalley - Courses
  • The Silva Ultramind System 
  • Duality 
  • Lifebook Online 
  • Wildfit 
  • 10X Fitness 
  • Super Reading 
  • Money EQ
  • The Uncompromised Life 
  • Mastery Of Sleep 
  • Everyday Bliss 

What Other People Have To Say About Mindvalley? 

I know not all of you may want to rely on my review, so I thought, why not share the Mindvalley experience of some other people? 

As I stated earlier, the All-Access pass lets us connect with other community members and get to know their experiences. Here is what other Mindvalley members have to say about the platform- 

“Mindvalley quests are some of the most invaluable experiences I have had. It’s a special one-of-a-kind institute, and there is no alternative to it.” – Andrea Loana, Business Coach. 

“Mindvalley was my savior when nothing seemed to work in life. I never knew we could find solutions easily just by understanding our inner powers and manifesting.”- John Smith, Entrepreneur. 

“Mindvalley quests are not simply learning courses; they are a way of changing your life.”- Joyee Ann. 

Mindvalley Alternatives

Mindvalley is known for its innovative approach to online learning, focusing on personal growth and self-improvement through a variety of courses ranging from mindfulness to business skills. While Mindvalley offers unique content in personal development, some may seek alternatives for a broader range of academic or professional topics.

1. Coursera

Coursera stands out as a top alternative to Mindvalley for those interested in more traditional educational offerings alongside professional development. It partners with universities and organizations globally to provide a wide range of courses, from psychology to cloud computing. Coursera offers flexibility with self-paced learning and provides both free and paid courses. Students can earn certificates and even degrees, making it suitable for both personal enrichment and career advancement. You can also get an exclusive Coursera Plus discount and save upto $100 on your purchase of a Coursera Plus subscription.

2. Udemy

Udemy offers a vast library of courses across various categories including technology, business, and personal development, similar to Mindvalley’s focus areas but with a broader scope. What sets Udemy apart is its market model, where any expert can create and sell a course, providing a diverse range of learning materials. This can be a double-edged sword as course quality can vary, but user reviews help learners choose wisely.

3. MasterClass

For those interested in learning from celebrity experts and renowned figures in their fields, MasterClass is a compelling alternative. It features beautifully produced videos with famous personalities like Gordon Ramsay teaching cooking and Martin Scorsese on filmmaking. While it lacks the traditional academic courses found on Coursera, it offers unparalleled insights into the crafts and careers of top talents in various industries.

Final Thoughts: The Truth About Mindvalley

I hope this Mindvalley review has helped you decide whether you want to sign up for its quests. I found its quests worth the time and money, and I would say it won’t disappoint you. But of course, besides the curriculum, we need to consider the price as well, and everyone may not be able to afford it. 

Let me know your thoughts on the same and whether you’ll take up any quest. 

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