Lifebook Online Review 2024: Is It Worth Buying?

We all want a happier, stress-free, and successful life, and it’s no different for me. That’s why I enrolled in Mindvalley’s Lifebook Online Quest. 

I did the same as you are searching for a reliable review before signing up for the paid program. Even though I found multiple results, none of them explained the entire thing in minute detail. 

I don’t want you to face the same issue, so I’ve brought you the most detailed & raw Lifebook Online review from my personal experience. 

I completed Lifebook Online a few months back, and here is everything you must know before signing up for it. 

What Is Lifebook Online? 

I’m sure you have a slight idea of what Lifebook Online is. It’s an entire lifestyle transformation quest. 

Lifebook Online helps you transform your ordinary life into a lively, fulfilling one. It’s a six-week program that helps you envision your highest self. 

Feeling disappointed with your life, career, family, and relationships is quite common for all of us. The two most important reasons for such distress are- we try to live life according to others’ expectations and take the wrong life approach. 

Lifebook Online-Overview

The core point of Lifebook Online is not to live life according to others’ expectations. We cannot meet everyone’s expectations. Often in our failed attempts to live up to others’ expectations, we lose ourselves. 

Lifebook Online teaches how to put yourself, your dreams, and your expectations first to reach your highest self-esteem. 

It’s time to tick those vision boxes and live a happy, successful life. However, Lifebook Online does not only talk about material happiness. 

While material growth is essential, we also need mental and emotional success. The central idea of Lifebook Online is to create a balance between emotional and material happiness. 

The course is divided into different phases. And the idea is to create your own physical Lifebook. John & Missy Butchers show how to create this Lifebook, which is basically a hundred pages documents. 

You’ll write down twelve different areas of your life: emotional life, health & fitness, intellectual life, character, love, spiritual life, etc. 

And you’ll write your goals for each category. John and & Missy will guide you on how to achieve your highest vision of life to turn your dreams into reality. If you want to know the truth about Mindvalley, you should check out the Truthmind website, which explains everything about Mindvalley.

John & Missy Butcher: Lifebook Online Coaches

Known as artist entrepreneurs, John & Missy Butcher have created their own fairy tale world. Apart from being the creators of Lifebook Online, they have founded 19 companies together. 

But what makes John & Missy Butcher’s lives different is that they have not compromised on happiness and inner peace in the success race. 

Jon & Missy Butcher

John & Missy were not born rich. They have built everything from scratch. They have dealt with all the odds of life instead of getting disappointed by them. And with a rebellious nature, they have created a life of success, abundance, and happiness without caring about what society has to say. 

Both of them have been married for years. But they never experienced a dull moment in their married life because they know how to spice up things in their everyday lives. 

Little things like- building their home on their own, taking part in all activities, and expressing gratitude and love for each other have helped them build a happy family. 

John and Missy reveal their secrets of how they built such a dream-like life in Lifebook Online. These secrets will surely help you live an uncompromised life on your own terms. 

How Does The Lifebook Online Quest Work? Detailed Quest Explained 

To help you make a well-calculated decision, I have jotted down the quest details week-wise. Spirituality and manifestations play a huge part in Lifebook Online. 

I understand there are people who have contrary opinions about such concepts; hence, here is a detailed breakdown of the entire quest so that you can decide well whether you want to opt for the quest or not.

Lifebook Online Quest

You begin the quest with a preparation class. This preparation class has an introductory video to make you familiar with the core idea of Lifebook Online. 

Furthermore, there is a Lifebook assessment with a tutorial on how to use the Lifebook correctly. The icing on the cake comes when John Butcher shows us his personal Lifebook for a better idea which I have shown below. 

Week 1

The first week covers two parameters of life- Health & Fitness and Intellectual Life. The main idea is to make us aware and understand the crucial role health and fitness play in our life. A healthy mind and body are supremely important for a successful life. 

And the second part of the first week tells us to form a strong mindset to achieve our dreams. Our mind is our most powerful asset, and we must use it the right way to manifest our dream life. 

Week 2

Week two is dedicated to Emotional Life & Character. It’s time to take charge of your emotions and use them to your benefit. John & Missy teach us to develop emotional intelligence for our own benefit. 

The second part of week two is about consciously developing the character traits of your ideal self. You must start cultivating those character traits to uplift your life in the right direction. 

Week 3

Two principal areas covered in week three are- Spiritual Life & Love Relationships. The session on spiritual life helps you discover your highest self, how you define your life and how you place yourself in it. 

Love relationships greatly affect our lives therefore finding the right balance is crucial. Therefore, setting the right expectations and boundaries and appreciating each other’s values is a must for a healthy relationship. 

Week 4

Week four is dedicated to Parenting & Social Life. The communication gap between parents and children is a common problem. Lifebook Online’s lesson on parenting is here to help you bridge that gap. Parents can use John and Missy Butcher’s tips for healthy parenting and a happy family. 

The class on social life will help you understand which relationships are important and add value to your life and which ones are draining you. You’ll also learn a lot more useful tips to balance your social life. 

Week 5

The primary categories surrounded around week 5 are- Financial Life & Career: the two most important categories of life. These sessions will help you understand the nature of money, spend it wisely and change your limiting thoughts about money. 

John and Missy share some of the most valuable tips about building a successful career. You’ll discover the three most important pillars to make a successful career and more. 

Week 6

The last and final week of Lifebook Online is dedicated to Quality of Life & Life Vision. As you can tell by the title, this phase is all about manifesting the king-size life you want to live.

Note: Each week’s sessions are backed by some related FAQs that will help you find the right direction in every sphere of your life. And after finishing the quest, you must make Lifebook Online your lifestyle for a lifetime of success, happiness and abundance. 

Also, the Lifebook Online sessions are a bit longer (1 to 2 hours). So make sure you’re not disturbed by anybody while you’re taking the sessions. 

Life-Changing Categories Included in Lifebook

This LifeBook online course aims to cover 12 sets of your life and helps you grow. Following are the twelve life-changing categories that are included in the LifeBook:

  • Intellectual
  • Character
  • Health and Fitness
  • Love Relationship
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual
  • Parenting
  • Career
  • Social
  • Quality of Life
  • Financial
  • Life Vision

As you see LifeBook not only focuses on personal development but it also aims to cover health and fitness, maintaining an equal social life and having a fantastic career.

Is Lifebook Online For You? 

Do you feel demotivated? Are you failing to cope with different dimensions of your life? Also, if you’re struggling to find the right dimensions of your life, Lifebook Online is for you. 

Lifebook Online will help you figure out where you’re going wrong, which strategies you need to change, and how to amend your mistakes to live your best life. 

Most importantly, Lifebook Online will help you find happiness, peace of mind and satisfaction in whatever you do in your life. 

But please note that Lifebook Online will only work if you implement the techniques and be patient. Nothing comes easy and fast; hence patience and hard work are a must. 

You must continue working hard and wait patiently for Lifebook Online to show the magic in your life. If you don’t have faith in certain things or are over-speculative, don’t sign up for Lifebook Online. 

You must have faith in the quest and trust in the process. 

Should You Enroll In Lifebook Online? My Review 

Now let’s come to the most important question, should you enroll in Lifebook Online? In my opinion, yes. 

Lifebook Online is worth taking to find the right direction in life. It’s been months since I have been struggling with my career. Even after trying every technique, I didn’t know why my visions never seemed to come to life. 

It was then I decided to start Lifebook Online. I’ll be honest. I was a little doubtful before starting the quest, and it was also a bit expensive. But I decided to play my last bet, and thankfully, it proved my best bet. 

Another struggle I had was I didn’t like to write anything down. I don’t do journaling. Lifebook Online has also taught me how important it is to write down the goals, dreams and visions for them to come to life. 

As I move ahead with the quest, I learned that it’s ok if my parents are not happy with what I’m doing unless I’m on the wrong path. 

It’s important for us to be happy to be able to keep others happy. But again, Lifebook Online was not a completely smooth journey. 

I didn’t notice any changes in the first few weeks of the quest. But I didn’t lose hope. I continued following what John and Missy asked me to do, and gradually I realized how to amend my mistakes, live life on my own terms and achieve that healthy state of mind. 

Hence, I must say Lifebook Online does not make any false claims. If you were speculating about taking the quest, you no longer need to. 

But Lifebook Online covers 12 categories, and you may not be able to relate to all of them. For example, the module on parenting was not for me. But it still covers most essential categories of life; hence it didn’t bother me much. 

How Much Does Lifebook Online Cost? 

Mindvalley originally priced Lifebook Online at $1250. Okay, don’t get scared; you don’t need to pay such a hefty amount now. Currently, they are offering the quest for $299. 

LifeBook cost

Yes, it’s still a bit expensive, and not everyone can afford a three-hundred-dollar quest. But if you buy it for $299, you’ll get lifetime access to Lifebook Online. 

But I know that’s not necessary, and most people wouldn’t rewatch the videos once they learn everything. So are there any other ways to get it even cheaper? 

Yes, there is another way to get it for cheaper. You can get Mindvalley all-access membership. Mindvalley’s yearly or monthly membership gives you access to all Mindvalley quests, including Lifebook Online. 

Here are the pricing of Mindvalley yearly and monthly memberships- 

Mindvalley Membership Pricing
Membership Type Prices 
Mindvalley Monthly Membership $49 per month 
Mindvalley Yearly Membership $399 per month

But if you don’t like the quest after a couple of days? For that, Mindvalley offers a 15-day refund. You can go through the materials for 15 days from the date of purchase. In case you feel like this quest is not for you, you can claim the refund by going to the Mindvalley refund page. 

Moreover, Mindvalley also provides membership discounts very often. Check out the latest Minddvalley membership discounts for 2024 here.

Related Read:

Final Thoughts: Lifebook Online Is Worth Buying

We all dream of living a successful life, but things often don’t go as planned. Lifebook Online is here to show you the right way of approaching life and living on your own terms. 

It’s a quest worth taking if you are constantly struggling to balance work, family life, relationships, and, most importantly, not happy with life decisions. 

However, you must follow the instructions diligently; ignoring the tasks won’t bring positive results. 

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