“It started with procrastination.” This is how the conversation usually starts by many who have finally given up on searching for excuses for not getting their butts off the sofa and getting a job done, on time, might I add. But what is procrastination? What is Procrastination? “Procrastination” what an ugly word! Just saying it […]
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The Art of Building Up Your Low Self-Esteem In 7 Steps
1. Be Yourself, Because Everybody Else is Taken! Let’s face it, we are pretty much all on our own when it comes to taking care of our own lives. There is absolutely no system, school, family or friend that has been assigned the task of helping us with our major or minor issues, low self-esteem […]

It’s Cool To Be You
It is cool to be you. Its cool to be honest. Its cool to be fair. Its cool to believe in you. Its cool to be different. Its cool to be understanding that you make your own life. Its cool to be your #1 Fan. Its cool to be in that moment soaking it in. […]

Creative People Say No
This is a great post that has some great insight into the word, “NO”. I came across this article from Kevin Ashton you find the original article here medium.com A Hungarian psychology professor once wrote to famous creators asking them to be interviewed for a book he was writing. One of the most interesting things […]

The Art of Public Speaking: D’You Know what I Mean?
Making Your Words Mean More than Just Hot Air! You make your way to the center of the stage while a stream of sweat makes its way down your forehead as you frantically look for a tissue. You nervously start to speak, all the while, your hands are shaking and your palms are sweaty. At […]

How to become a 10?
How to become a 10? That is the real question. In our lives we feel like we are selling ourselves short of success, right. If you feel the void, you personally know you have greatness within, or you just strive to be a perfect 10 this could be your answer. Money is not the answer […]

How to make Success
Arnold Schwarzenegger 6 Rules For Success. This is how to make success. If you like this you will love my Operation Self Reset Podcast, CLICK HERE! I personally find this video to be really inspiring. Please enjoy. 1. Trust yourself 2. Break some rules 3. Don’t be afraid to fail 4. Ignore the naysayers 5. […]
Dont Have Time To Read, You Can Listen!
OSR 029: Positive Thinking with Taylor Lapidus December 23, 2021
OSR 028: Eating Raw Could Change Your Life With Brad Gruno December 17, 2021
Building a High-Performance Brain With Brain foods and Smart Drugs December 16, 2021
OSR 027: Simple Healthy Habits Makes Huge Results December 16, 2021
OSR 026: Personal Change Comes At A Cost December 9, 2021
OSR 008: Jordan Hart, Author Of Steel Rainbow, Shares His Life Story June 24, 2021
OSR 010: Navy Seal & Medal of Honor Recipient, Michale Thornton July 4, 2021
OSR 006: The Bulletproof Exuctive Dave Asprey talkes about Bulletproof coffee, sleep, and hacking the body June 7, 2021
OSR 003: Nate Holzapfel from Mission Belts talks about life, passion, and the mission May 7, 2021
OSR 011: Leadership, Passion, & Time Management, With Rae Luskin July 12, 2021