Silva Ultramind Review 2024: Is It Worth It? (TRUTH)

For years, saints, monks, and priests have been talking about the marvels of meditation. In addition to making us better human beings, meditation makes us capable of self-healing and achieving our biggest goals and enhances our ability to become better human beings. 

Mindvalley’s Silva Ultramind system is also a meditation quest. I’m sure you have heard of it, which is why you’re here. 

The Silva Ultramind promises some extraordinary things, such as manifesting our goals and turning them into reality. 

But does the quest actually work? 

I was already a Mindvalley member; hence I tried the Silva Ultramind program. If you want to know my verdict on the same, keep reading till the end. 

What Is The Silva Ultramind Technique & Who Invented It? 

The Silva Ultramind is a highly optimized meditation program to “unlock our minds’ fullest potential.” Jose Silva invented the Silva Ultramind technique during the 1960s. 

Jose Silva experimented with the technique first on his children, and when he saw that the trick actually worked, he started applying it to other people. 

The Silva Ultramind Overview

Soon Jose’s meditation program got immensely popular, and he trained over 6 million people in 110 countries. 

The core idea of the Silva Ultramind system is to understand the four primary levels of consciousness of the human mind. 

These four levels are- 

  • The Beta Level: Our default consciousness level is when we are awake. 
  • The Alpha Level: This is our calm state of mind when we are relaxing or in mild sleep. It’s considered the best state for learning, gaining information, and self-awareness. 
  • The Theta Level: This is the state of deep sleep. It is the stage of mind and body healing, introspection, and self-hypnosis. 
  • The Delta Level: This is the deepest state or the stage of unconsciousness. 

The goal of the Silva Ultramind method is to help us access the Alpha and the Theta level for our self-development. According to this technique, if we manifest our goals in these levels of consciousness, it shows definite results. 

Vishen Lakhiani: The Creator Of Mindvalley’s Silva Ultramind System 

Vishen Lakhiani is the creator of Mindvalley, who founded it in 2003. His goal for creating Mindvalley was to help people raise their consciousness and help them live fuller lives. 

Vishen has brought world-famous personalities to Mindvalley and launched various personal development quests. Vishen is also the author of the New York Times best-selling book The Code For The Extraordinary Mind. 

Vishen Lakhiani

Vishen believes that we human beings have extraordinary power to explore, invent and grow. He always sees beyond the ordinary and awakens people to live better lives. 

We are often stuck with the complexity of our professional and personal life. In the race of trying to become the best, we lose our inner peace. 

The primary aim of Mindvalley and all its quests will help you become a better personality and excel in every aspect of life while living a healthier and fuller life.  

Who Is Silva Ultramind For? What Does The Quest Expect From You? 

Most of us try really hard to achieve our goals. Even after working very hard, we scarcely see results. If this sounds similar, Silva Ultramind could be your savior. 

The meditation program transforms you into another world. It teaches you techniques to access the deepest level of consciousness, and when you think about your goals at such a stage, you have increased chances of achieving them. 

Meditation by no means implies that we can stop working and rely on work. There is no replacement for hard work. But this sound meditation is a getaway to achieve extraordinary things in life which may not be possible at our basic level of consciousness. 

For many people, it may not sound convincing. It sounds like we are trying to achieve something beyond our reach. However, from the time of Jose Silva till now, millions of people have practiced it and achieved desired results. 

The Silva Ultramind is both for students and working professionals who want to live a life beyond ordinary things. 

If you dedicate your time and keep following the meditation techniques for your life, you’re sure to see results. 

Everything You Need To Know About The Silva Ultramind Quest 

The Silva Ultramind is a 28-day quest. The quest begins with a couple of introductory videos from Vishen Lakhiani, where he gives a detailed backstory about the Silva system and how it works. 

The Silva Ultramind Quest

Then there are meditation sessions for each day. The sessions are not very long. They are only 15 to 30 minutes long. However, it requires complete concentration for us to be able to access our deepest level of consciousness and transform into a higher state. 

Here is the complete breakdown of the 28-day Silva Ultramind quest- 

Part One: The Ultramind Foundation 

When we begin the quest, it makes us familiar with what Silva Ultramind is and how it works. After a few classes, Vishen Lakhiani instructs us through meditation. At first, he guides us on how to reach our alpha and theta levels of mind.

The dynamic meditation exercises help us reach the ultimate relaxation levels. He also instructs us on the centering exercise to access our alpha level of mind. It helps improve our focus, intuition, and creativity. 

Mental Screening Technique

In phase one, we also learn about the mental screening technique. I found this session pretty interesting. While talking about the mental screening technique, Vishen asks us to imagine our ultimate goal and watch it on our mental screen, just like a movie. 

He says that it’s the ultimate manifestation technique and is sure to turn into reality. He also talks about projection exercises to project our consciousness across time and space to gain information beyond our physical body. 

Part Two: Knowing The Unknown 

The quest gets more exciting by now. We learn how to access the full potential of our subconscious mind. We learned about three types of intuition that help us make better life decisions, find more opportunities, and untapped our minds’ fullest potential. 

Then Vishen Lakhiani teaches us the three powerful techniques to remove any obstacle from our lives. He further reveals techniques that help us gain information beyond our normal senses. I must say that this phase of the quest makes us aware of so many capabilities that we didn’t know we had. 

Part Three: Attaining Our Soul Desire & Healing 

We get to learn about a series of tools and exercises to visualize our passions, dreams, and goals in life and the right manifestation techniques to turn them into reality. 

He says that desire, belief & expectancy is the right framework to achieve our goals. Further, the quest focuses on the Silva method of goal setting to achieve our goals faster and quicker. 

Apart from manifesting our dreams, Silva Ultramind also insists on healing our mind and body, soothing pain, and getting rid of any illness through the science of mind-body healing technique. 

Silva Ultramind is not simply limited to healing yourself. If you follow the quest wholeheartedly, you’ll be able to heal others well. Guided meditation helps us unleash our power of healing others and keep our loved ones in their best state. 

Part Four: Channeling Your Ultramind Into Your Life

In the last phase of the quest, the Silva Ultramind helps us get access to more powerful tools to reach our higher levels of consciousness and enhance our healing, manifesting, and intuitive powers. 

Channeling Your Ultramind Into Your Life

He discloses ways to project our consciousness into human anatomy. We’ll be able to learn more about human bodies, accelerate our healing powers, etc. And last, how we can integrate the tricks of the Silva Ultramind technique into our everyday lives to live a happier, healthier, and successful life. 

How Much Does The Silva Ultramind Cost? 

Initially, Mindvalley priced the Silva Ultramind at $399 initially. Yes, it’s quite an expensive deal. But now they have reduced the price to $59, in which you’ll get lifetime access to the quest. 

But if you wish to explore more Mindvalley quests, you should opt for the Mindvalley All-Access pass. The All-Access gives you complete access to all the 50+ Mindvalley quests, and you can get them at a much lower price. 

The Mindvalley All-Access prices are as follows- 

Membership typePrice 
Mindvalley Yearly Membership $25/year 
Mindvalley Monthly Membership$59/month

Silva Ultramind cost

Silva Ultramind System: Pros and Cons

Now that you have an overall idea about the Silva Ultramind system, let’s have a look at its pros and cons of it.


  • You get access to the online community where you can connect with other course students.
  • Learn the various techniques of Silva and Vishen to understand the mindfulness that can change your life forever.
  • Take new challenges by doing all the exercises.
  • You get a 15-day money-back guaranty so that you can get a refund in this period.
  • This program is included in the Mindvalley membership, in which you can access all the Mindvalley courses once a year.


  • The course provides some irrelevant information that is still not proven scientifically.

Is The Silva Ultramind Worth Trying? My Experience With It 

The Silva Ultramind is definitely a quest worth trying. It is, in fact, one of my favorite Mindvalley quests. I heard a lot of people saying the quest promises things that are beyond human capacity. 

I also thought some of the things were too good to be true. But after completing the quest and applying the techniques in my life, I must say that we have strong intuitive capacities. If we know how to channel our higher consciousness levels in the right direction, we can achieve bigger things in life. 

The centering exercises, the mental screening technique, the ESP, and other tools recommended by Vishen Lakhiani actually work. 

If you’re struggling to get your life together, if your work life seems pretty hectic, and if you are failing to achieve your goals, the Silva Ultramind might be your savior. 

However, for the Silva method to work in your life, you must put full faith into the journey. If you don’t believe in such things, it won’t help you because, ultimately, the quest works based on how our minds work. 

And the Silva Method works in our lives forever; we must integrate it with our lives. We have to keep practicing meditation techniques always to see positive results. 

Related Read:

Final Thoughts: Silva Ultramind Review 

I hope this review gave a detailed idea of what to expect from Silva Ultramind. I had a great experience with the meditation classes. It surely worked in real life and helped me reach a more relaxed state of mind and body. 

I would recommend this quest for anyone seeking peace and relaxation and getting away from the feelings of stress. Let me know if you have further queries in the comments. 

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