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Qualities of A Leader With Bryan Franklin

Bryan has coached top-level executives at Fortune 1000 companies (including Apple, Logitech, Google, Cisco and LinkedIn) and helped entrepreneurs build their fledgling organizations into success.  Bryan has helped entrepreneurs, CEOs, and founders of companies learn and understand the key qualities of a leader.  Leadership starts from within and reflects out toward your goal.

Together with his partner in business and in life, Jennifer, he now offers some of the most impactful group experiences available on the planet. These group intensives train entrepreneurs to free themselves financially and spiritually — to transform the way they see themselves and the world, so that the distinction between “career” and “life” dissolves and each human interaction can be both lucrative and fulfilling of purpose.


I was able to get into contact with Bryan Franklin after I saw his TedX talk.  The title of his speech was “The Most Dangerous Question on Earth.”  I found the title intriguing and knew I had to get him on the podcast.  Here is the video below.

In the podcast I talk with Bryan about leadership more than anything.  Bryan has been around the most successful people in the world.  But we keep on coming back to the subject of understanding the qualities of a leader.


Qualities of a leader start with understanding fears.  Yes, fears.  The number one fears of the most successful people in the world are things they don’t know.  Yes, profound, right!  The thing you don’t know can or could affect your family, job, company, lifestyle, or pretty much anything.    The key is to discover it and make sure you are solving that problem.   According to Bryan, too many times we are solving problems that are not the real problem.  We need to identify the real issues that surround us and figure out a game plan to solve them.


Bryan also shares ways you, yes you, can become a leader and get promoted faster just by doing the right things.  We discuss the difference between brown-nosing and achieving company goals.

-How to impress the right people within your company to move up in your position.

-How to get your coworkers on your team to reach common goals within the company.

-How to stay friends with your coworkers when you get promoted.


Bryan Franklin shares some great ideas about work, qualities of a leader, and how we can become the best when it comes to our jobs.


In this session you’ll discover:

If you have a question you’d potentially like answered no matter if its constructive criticism, praise, or just feedback in general, feel free to visit my voice mail page to quickly and easily leave me a message.  You can also always send me an email at jake@operationselfrest.com; I will get back to you as soon as possible.

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