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Episode 141: Aaron Walker, Iron Sharpens Iron

Episode 141 brings in a very special guest, Mr. Aaron Walker from viewfromthetop.com.  Aaron has accumulated a wealth of knowledge and experience running his own companies for the last 35 years and being married to the same woman for the same period of time. Through his newest endeavor, viewfromthetop.com, Aaron is helping men from all over the world live a successful and significant life! He is definitely qualified to do that, if you look at the raging reviews and testimonial on his website that come from people like Dave Ramsey and Dan Miller!

Aaron retired more than the law allows, he has lived the good life after selling his businesses, thought he was done, but Dan Miller encouraged him to become a coach, which he did and he is now running a pretty successful business in this arena.

Here’s what’s been covered, in a nutshell:

  • Get professional help when you need to and surround yourself with friends who care.
  • Do not let a negative event in your life define who you are!
  • Money matters, but it’s not the ultimate purpose! You need to be significant, not just succesfull!
  • Money does not change your heart, it magnifies what is in there!
  • Take the focus off you, and put it on other people!
  • Do random acts of kindness!
  • Put your spouse on the first place, then your kids come second!
  • You spell love I.M.E. to your family!
  • It takes time to build valuable relationships and you need to be available to invest the time, the resources to form those relationships!
  • Don’t let people be a dream killer!

Mentioned in this episode:

Before You Go

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Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.


  1. lavinia says:

    this interview was both heartwarming and actionable. I actually did something Aaron does on a regular basis: i paid the grocery bill for an elderly couple the other day. The incident proved me once again there are no coincidences. How, you may ask? Well, I thought about paying for their groceries before i arrived to the cashier,, but I imagined they would feel embarrassed, so i dismissed the thought. When the cashier scanned the three items I had, she mistakenly scanned theirs as I had no separator after my goods. So she helped me fulfill my initial intention. the elderly couple burst into tears.

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