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Become elite with Jason Stenstrom


Jason started his personal development story about ten years ago, when he was 17. From the rock bottom, where he experienced anxiety, depression, no self confidence, and panic attacks 3-4 times a week, he grew into the man he is today, one step at a time. Digging into books, courses and everything in between that was personal development related, he now is a coach, trying to change one man at a time. Listen to the interview as his story unfolds in this chat Jake and Jason had.

Here’s what’s been covered in a nutshell:

  • Jason’s favorite ways to reduce stress are meditation, yoga (which he calls moving meditation) and self-hypnosis.
  • Hypnosis is a clinical therapy, that’s effective on a number of issues, like emotions, pain management, smoking cessation.
  • It helps with the things you can not control (the subconscious mind).
  • You need to realize for yourself that the digital world can mess up your chances of having a great dating experience.
  • Get out of your comfort zone and do socially challenging things, like things you always wanted to do, but alwasys postponed.
  • Work on your self image: get in shape, eat healthy, dress well, have good grooming habits. You don’t need to freak out about the end result, but to see you are making some progress.
  • Everybody has confidence in them already, they just have to sum it up in a different area. A gamer has great confidence in their gaming skills, they just need to translate it to a different setting.
  • Mimic the vocal tone, body language and overall demeanour of someone you think has great self confidence in an area where you need selfconfidence. Then you’ll know what it means to have confidence in that area and you’ll be able to adapt it to your own personal style.

Resources mentioned in the episode:

Before You Go

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Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.

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