Can you take an IQ test at home? Yes, it is certainly possible. There are several online tests that you can take at home.
While professional IQ tests administered by psychologists in classrooms remain the gold standard, there are many ways to estimate your IQ from the comfort of your home.
Online IQ tests have become an inseparable part of the eLearning industry. These tests measure students’ abilities so that they can be placed at suitable levels in online courses.
For the same reasons, I searched for online IQ tests and compiled a list of online IQ measuring tests you can take from home. I researched every test to understand its credibility and methodology.
Here is what I have found for you!
Key Takeaway: Measuring IQ
- Multiple online IQ tests (free and paid) are available online. Every one of them provides rough estimates of your IQ.
- The IQ scores are placed on a scale where 100 is considered average intelligence. Scoring above 110 is regarded as a high IQ, with scores over 130 classified as superior.
- Practicing with online IQ tests can help you improve your problem-solving skills.

How To Measure Your IQ At Home? – 11 Tests To Take.
Even though the online IQ tests are not as accurate as the traditional IQ tests which are administered by psychologists, they can provide you with a general idea of your intelligence ability.
You can measure your IQ by taking the following online tests.
The 123 test is an excellent option for taking an IQ test that doesn’t need you to register. It offers some of the best examinations you can find online. This free test includes eight questions.

The test also asks for your age, education, and gender at the end to calculate the score. It also shows you the number of correct answers and the IQ score to get the best results possible. The test report also assesses your suitability for a high-IQ job.
To take the test, click on this link.
The free IQ test is one of the most well-known online exams available for you. This IQ Test has 20 questions that will give you a fast, free, and accurate IQ score.

Before starting the test, you are asked to give your birth date. This is because the Free IQ test calculates your IQ score based on age. The best thing about this test is that it gives you a customized IQ certificate that institutes like Mensa International accept.
To take the test, click on this link.
3. Genius Tests
Genius Tests is one of the most reliable online platforms that helps you determine your IQ score. The Genius Test offers assessment through two different IQ tests: full quiz and quick quiz.

The full quiz has 50 questions to answer. You must complete it in 12 minutes. Similarly, the quick quiz has 25 questions that you have to complete in 6 minutes. If you don’t like long tests, this is the best option for measuring you.
Click on this link to learn more about it and take the test.
IQ exam is an online test that claims to be one of the most accurate and reliable online IQ exams. This IQ test has been designed by a team of research students from McGill University, Canada.

The IQ Exam test involves 30 questions, and there is no time limit for solving them. The best feature is that this test also provides an IQ certificate and a Performance report.
Click on this link to take the test.
5. Brain Matric
The Brain Matrix IQ test is the Intelligence Metrics Auditor-certified intelligence measuring test. This test has 20 questions, and you have to answer them within 15 minutes.

In contrast to some other IQ tests, this test does not need personal information like age, gender, or educational qualifications. So, you can take this test without registration and form-filling. The results and the certificate are generated instantaneously.
Click on this link to take the test.
6. Memorado
Memorado is the best and the only application in this list for IQ improvement. The Memorado application has numerous mental exercises, and these exams can be personalized for you.

The app has a quick IQ test that measures your IQ score based on ten questions. Additionally, the app offers over 20 games that are specifically tailored to enhance your focus, memory, and mental agility.
Memorado will monitor your development and give you new performance and IQ assessments.
Click on this link to learn more about Memorado.
7. Fun Education
Fun Education is a fantastic online IQ test site that provides PhD-certified interactive IQ tests.
While these examinations are free, account registration is necessary. There is no time limit to complete the 42 questions on the Fun Education assessment, which pertain to spatial and verbal reasoning.

Children under the age of 17 take different tests.
In addition, the website offers free assessments for personality, career, spatial IQ, and self-discovery.
Click on this link to take the test.
8. Real IQ Test
The Real IQ test was created by licensed psychologists, and both the test and the platform are regularly calibrated to guarantee the most accurate determination of IQ level.
You get 40 minutes to complete the 30 questions on the actual IQ exam in order to receive your score. Basically, questions on spatial reasoning, pattern identification, logical reasoning, and classification abilities are included in the exam.

With the use of your personalized score report from the actual IQ test, you may assess how you stack up against people around the globe.
Click on this link to take the test.
9. See My Personality
See My Personality claims to have an accurate, scientifically developed personality and IQ test.
See My Personality Test to look into details of your traits, routines, and preferences. (something you may not even be aware of!) The 120-question inventory served as the basis for this test. You can choose to take lengthy tests or shorter, more rapid tests.

The outcomes of the tests are comparable, printable, and shareable. In addition to personality tests, the website offers assessments for depression, relationships, and careers.
Click on this link to take the test.
10. IQ Test Prep
The IQ Test Prep offers free online IQ tests for adults. This test has been designed to be a fun way to test your intelligence.

The website offers two tests: a 35-minute “Official IQ test” and a 25-question “Quick IQ test” with a 6-minute test timer. Their IQ website has recently been updated and redesigned.
Click on this link to take the test.
The IQ test is free and anonymous. The platform won’t store or share your IQ score.

There are twenty questions for you to answer. Although there isn’t a time limit on answering the questions, the amount of time it takes to finish the test counts and affects your score. Using a calculator during the test is not permitted.
Click on this link to take the test.
What’s The Suitable Score For Your Age?
The IQ scores for different age groups might differ, and you need to interpret the results according to the candidate’s age.
Following is a bifurcation based on the average IQ scores of various age groups.
Age Range(In Years) | Average IQ score |
16-17 | 108 |
18-19 | 105 |
20-24 | 99 |
25-34 | 97 |
35-44 | 101 |
45-54 | 106 |
55-64 | 109 |
65-69 | 114 |
70-74 | 119 |
Source: Average IQ Scores
Note: An individual’s IQ is always measured in comparison to others of the same age group.
How Can Online IQ Tests Help You Advance?
Your IQ values fluctuate over time. IQ ratings are a reflection of how intelligence evolves with time.
Informal online IQ tests have become popular. These examinations offer advantages even if they cannot replace officially conducted exams that are given by professionals.
The following five advantages come from practicing your IQ at home.
1. Reduce Test Anxiety
Practice IQ tests help you get more comfortable with the many question types that you’ll encounter on an authentic IQ test. They get to know each other.
You will, therefore, have less anxiety and insecurity throughout the actual assessment.
This is significant since your test-taking anxiety and stress levels have a direct impact on your IQ score.
2. Feed Your Curiosity
You might be curious to know how you would do on an IQ test, just for fun, even though you don’t think you’re the smartest person alive.
3. Help Prevent Cognitive Decline
Now consider it in this manner. The purpose of the online IQ exams was to gauge intelligence. The activities and questions were thoughtfully created to identify different cognitive abilities.
Is there a more effective and accurate way to train your brain than using the freely available internet assessments?
4. Detect Areas Of Improvement
Your IQ test results provide you with a roadmap for personal growth.
You can gain insights into distinct areas of cognitive ability in addition to general intelligence-level information.
5. Monitor Your Progress
You want to be able to monitor your improvement when you make the commitment to practice. You can tell if your efforts are paying off in this way.
Because online tests are accessible and substantially less expensive, taking them again is much more practical.
How Can I Improve My IQ?
The consensus around this question is yes, you can, in fact, increase your IQ.
Your IQ testing can be a valuable marker of your intelligence, but your actions and efforts throughout life matter just as much.
Lazar Stankov and Jihyun Lee carried out research that has shown that constantly exercising in various areas, as measured by IQ tests, may help you raise your score.
The following activities may assist you in improving in various areas like reasoning, planning, problem-solving, and more.
1. Memory activities
These activities not only improve memory but also enhance reasoning and language skills.
In fact, research studies conducted by the University of East Anglia, UK, have used memory games to explore how memory is related to language and someone’s understanding of a physical object.
Activities that involve memory training are jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, concentration card games, and sudoku.
2. Executive control activities
The executive control is the ability to control complex and high-order functions like making decisions, orientation attention, and organizing & managing tasks.
The Cambridge University research says that executive control function is strongly tied to fluid reasoning, the brain’s ability to absorb new information without the benefit of practice or experience.
The executive control training activities include Scrabble, pictionary, brainteasers, and red light & green light.
3. Visuospatial Reasoning Activities
It involves the mental process related to physical representations, like reading and interpreting a map.
In a study, researchers found that improving visuospatial reasoning can increase IQ test scores.
Activities involving visual and spatial training include mazes, point-of-view activities, 3-D models, and unfolded prisms.
4. Relational skills
Research from 2016 found that children also improved verbal and numeric skills after relational training.
The activities that involve relational training include language learning books, object comparison, and amount comparison.
5. Musical instruments
One study by Hossein Kaviani found that just 75 minutes of weekly music lessons for 12 weeks increased IQ scores significantly in preschool-aged children.
After considering memory’s important role in intelligence, it may benefit your IQ to finally pick up the musical instrument you’ve always wanted to learn.
Just listening to music has its benefits. A 2018 study conducted by Artur Jaschke found that a musically enriched household could improve children’s IQ scores.
6. New Languages
It is unsurprising that learning multiple languages benefits the brain – and the earlier, the better.
A recent study conducted by the University of Colorado investigated the relationship between language learning and IQ. The result shows that language learning through talk and interaction from 18 to 24 months benefits mental health later in life.
7. Frequent Reading
Undoubtedly, books are beneficial in human development. Besides improving vocabulary and knowledge, books have been considered to improve a person’s IQ.
In a recent University of New York study, researchers discovered that when parents read to their children, the child had more incredible language skills.
8. Continued education
Education, in any form, is crucial to developing human intellect. In research conducted by the University of Edinburgh on IQ and education, over 600,000 participants were studied to determine the effect of education on IQ levels.
Researchers found that participants experienced a 1 to 5 IQ point boost for every additional year of formal education.
More In IQ:
Verdict: Measure Your IQ At Home Using “123 Test ”
Measuring your IQ at home is an intriguing and enlightening experience. It offers insights into your intellectual potential.
Even though self-administered tests have limitations, they can be the starting point for self-reflection and personal development.
These are my top 3 picks to measure IQ at home.
- 123 Test
- Free IQ Test
- Genius Tests
Remember, the IQ test is just one aspect of your intelligence, and nurturing other cognitive skills (such as memory, attention, and reasoning) is equally essential.
By exploring different methods and being aware of the limitations, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery.