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Operation Self Reset Episode 53: Ignite Your Inner Athlete

In this episode of the Operation Self Reset podcast, Jake is talking with Scott Jones of the podcast Athlete on Fire.

Scott lives in Colorado and has a Masters degree in Exercise Physiology. He’s been an athlete all of his life, and enjoys being competitive and playing. He and his family have started a lot of different businesses focusing on athletes and exercise and activity. He heard so many stories from different athletes about the things they’ve done, so he turned that into his podcast Athlete on Fire to share the stories with the rest of the world.

Professional athletes may look like superheroes who want to exercise constantly, but Scott found that they have the same hang ups that regular people have. They have to push themselves to get moving and to push past their boundaries. Even athletes struggle with wanting to sit on the couch sometimes rather than exercise. The secret for both athletes and regular people in anything they want to do is to break down the goals into smaller tasks, both physically and mentally. Scott lets us in on the secrets to working our way toward our big goals.

Listen in as Scott tells us tips and tricks from professional athletes that can help the rest of us too.

Here’s what Jake and Scott talked about in this episode:

  • How to break a big goal into smaller goals

  • Create habits that lead to success

  • Visualization and mediation

  • Successful eating habits for physical health


Mentioned in This Episode


Before You Go

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The tips that help successful athletes get to where they are can help us regular people too. Use Scott’s advice to help push you toward your goals, in whatever field they may be.

Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.

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