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Episode 147: Passion + Filter + 100%


Jake is using his new microphone setup today so bear with him if you are here for the first time.

In light of the recent shootings in Texas,  Jake is reminding us that the only thing we have control over is how we relate to what happens to us.


As someone who deals with police officers on a daily basis, Jake knows how badly treated they are. He knows some of them had woken up that day knowing they were doing what they were called to do in life. Some others had woken up dreading their job!

Chances are, most of us find ourselves in this last position: we do things in life that we do not enjoy! If we were to die today, we would not be happy.

So Jake challenges us to find that spark, that little magical something that makes us happy and pursue it!


Secondly, Jake challenges us to stop doing the things that hurt us internally, like newsmedia. We need to be able to choose what goes into our brain and what controls our thoughts. We need to control what we see, what we hear, what we put into our bodies.


Moreover, the next step is to assume extreme leadership. You need to be able to take ownership of all the decisions you take that turn wrong! Some people will think it is silly of you to do that, but that’s the only genuine thing to do! Owning your decisions means you are 100% responsible. And this goes true for work and family relationships, too: each of two partners needs to own 100% of his or her decisions.


Here’s what Jake said, in a nutshell:

  • Find that magical thing that makes you happy and pursue it.
  • Cut out newsmedia. If something is big enough out there, you will hear about it!
  • You can’t control the weather, the economy and what everybody else is doing. But you can control what’s most important: YOURSELF!
  • Make sure negative things are not thrown into your life!
  • Do not depend on other people to take on responsilitity! It will make you lazy.
  • Take 100% responsibility of what happens to you!


Mentioned in this episode:


Before You Go

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Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.

1 Comment

  1. Tin says:

    “Cut out newsmedia. If something is big enough out there, you will hear about it!”

    And how about social media like Facebook Ave Twitter?

    Any hints (maybe an episode) on how to use media these days?

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