What IQ Do You Need To Be A Programmer? (An Honest Look)

The myth of the “genius programmer” has led many to wonder, “What IQ do you need to be a programmer?” Are programmers all geniuses? Do you need a sky-high IQ to code? These questions often plague aspiring developers.

In this article, I will help you explore the relationship between IQ and programming success, examine the average programmer’s IQ, and compare it with other relevant factors. 

We’ll also discuss whether programmers are smarter than average and what skills truly matter in coding. 

Whether you’re considering a career change or just curious, read on to discover the truth about intelligence in programming.

What Is IQ And How Is It Measured?

IQ, or Intelligence Quotient, is derived from standardized tests to assess cognitive abilities. Simply put, if you score high on this particular test, it means you have a high IQ score for that test only.

These tests, often called “IQ tests,” measure skills like: 

  • Logical reasoning
  • Pattern recognition
  • Problem-solving. 

However, it’s crucial to understand that IQ is just one aspect of intelligence and doesn’t cover all programming-related cognitive abilities.

What Is IQ
Source: Howard Gardner Website

Dr. Howard Gardner’s (In the picture above) theory of multiple intelligences suggests that traditional IQ tests are limited in scope. 

This perspective is particularly relevant when considering the diverse skills required in programming, which go beyond what a standard IQ test measures.

Average Programmer IQ: Myth vs. Reality

Many people on Reddit and various other platforms claim that a programmer’s IQ of 90 is required. This is false, and no research has been done to back it up.

What I am about to say must not be interpreted as high IQ is a prerequisite for becoming a programmer since there is no definitive study on the average programmer’s IQ.

Here it goes, some anecdotal evidence and research suggest that programmers tend to score above average on IQ tests.

A study by Bergersen and Gustafsson (2011) found that –

  • Cognitive abilities, often linked with IQ, show some correlation with programming performance.
  • However, factors such as experience and specific programming skills are equally, if not more, important.

This suggests that while a certain level of cognitive ability is beneficial, it’s not the sole determinant of programming success.

High IQ To Be A Programmer- Is It Necessary?

The question “Do you have to be smart to be a programmer?” often arises in programming forums and interviews.

The answer is grey

In my opinion, “Smartness” in this context is more about problem-solving ability, logical thinking, and persistence than raw intelligence or IQ scores.

High IQ To Be A Programmer
Source: Computer History Museum 

Linus Torvalds in the picture above, the creator of Linux, once said,

“I’m a huge believer in personality. I think that people who are smart get computers to work for them, but really it’s about having the personality to want to take the computer and make it do things.” 

This perspective emphasizes that attitude and approach are as crucial as intelligence in programming success.

Are Programmers Smarter Than Average?

While programmers might score higher on certain cognitive tests, “smarter” is subjective.

Programmers often excel in logical reasoning and problem-solving, aspects of intelligence measured by IQ tests. However, these skills can be developed through practice and experience.

Programmers Smarter Than Average
Source: Howard Gardner Website

A few studies have shown that programmers performed better than novices on cognitive tests related to working memory and logical reasoning. (Study Link)

This could be because they have used their brain to solve many problems over the years, and these abilities were likely honed through programming experience rather than traits one is born with.

Skills That Matter More Than IQ In Programming

Here is a quick table for your reference to help you understand that skills are the king. These are the important skills you should focus on if you want to become a programmer:

SkillsLogical Thinking And Problem-SolvingPersistence And ResilienceLearning And Adaptability
What it means?Breaking down complex problems, Developing step-by-step solutionsOvercoming challenges and Staying motivated despite setbacksEmbracing new technologies and  Adapting to changing paradigms
ImportanceHelps in reaching end goal or solutionHelps is growing over timeImportant to stay updated and relevant

1. Logical Thinking And Problem-Solving

Logical thinking and problem-solving abilities involve breaking down complex problems into smaller, manageable parts and developing step-by-step solutions. Many programmers argue that these abilities are more critical than having a high IQ.

Logical Thinking and Problem-Solving
Source: Pinterest

For Example, Steve Jobs once said, “Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer because it teaches you how to think.”

2. Persistence And Resilience

Programming often involves facing and overcoming numerous challenges, making persistence a crucial trait for success. The ability to stay motivated and keep trying despite setbacks is often more valuable than raw intelligence.

Persistence and Resilience
Source: Pinterest

Grace Hopper, also known as the queen of code and a pioneer in computer programming, famously said, “The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We’ve always done it this way.” 

Her words emphasize the importance of perseverance and adaptability in the face of challenges, traits that aren’t necessarily correlated with IQ.

3. Learning And Adaptability

The tech industry’s rapid evolution makes continuous learning a necessity for programmers. Successful coders embrace new technologies and adapt to changing paradigms. This adaptability often matters more than raw intelligence or IQ scores.

Learning and Adaptability
Source: Pinterest

Jeff Atwood, co-founder of Stack Overflow, emphasizes this: “The best programmers aren’t the ones who know the most programming languages or have the most certifications. They’re the ones who can learn the fastest.” 

This perspective highlights the value of being a quick learner and staying curious in the field of programming.

Practical Tips For Aspiring Programmers

Here are a few things that you should practice instead of worrying about IQ. These tips will help you grow your knowledge in the field of programming and will help you become more confident:

  • Practice and learn through resources like, for example, Codecademy, which helps in mastering programming languages and frameworks.
  • Engage in puzzle-solving, strategy games, or algorithmic challenges on platforms like LeetCode or HackerRank to enhance logical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Join coding communities on GitHub, Stack Overflow, or local meetups to find mentors and peers for support.
  • Do not be afraid to make mistakes. Remember the only way to learn a new programming language is by writing programs in it.

Courses From Codecademy

If you are wondering where to start, Here are my recommendations from Codecademy that will help you develop a greater understanding of Coding and programming:

1. Code Foundations

Course LinkHere
Course Duration4 hours
Skills you learnLearn coding 101, Explore careers in tech, Communicate with developers

Start programming with an introduction to code and basic concepts, covering technical literacy, career overviews, and programming fundamentals. Includes quizzes, guided help, and a certificate. No prerequisites are required to start this course.

Code Foundations
Source: Codecademy

2. Learn JavaScript

Course LinkHere
Course Duration15 hours
Skills you learnCore programming concepts, Learn object-oriented concepts, Read and write JavaScript

You must learn JavaScript, a versatile language for adding website interactivity. This free course offers AI-assisted coding help, projects, quizzes, and a completion certificate. Suitable for beginners, it covers JavaScript fundamentals, conditionals, functions, and more.

Learn JavaScript
Source: Codecademy

3. Data Qnd Programming Foundations For AI

Course LinkHere
Course Duration39 hours
Skills you learnCode in Python, explore and summarize data, know the math behind ML/AI

Machine Learning and AI are revolutionizing tech. This course covers data literacy, Python, and essential math and statistics, providing a solid foundation for aspiring Machine Learning Engineers.

Data and Programming Foundations for AI
Source: Codecademy

4. Learn C

Course LinkHere
Course Duration10 hours
Skills you learnKey programming concepts, write your own C programs, use pointers to work with memory, and create custom functions and structures.

With the “Learn C” course, you can learn C programming fundamentals in a beginner-friendly way. What I love about Codecademy and this program is that it includes guided coding help, projects, quizzes, and a completion certificate.

Learn C
Source: Codecademy

5. Learn PHP

Course LinkHere
Course Duration17 hours
Skills you learnUse PHP with HTML forms, create classes and objects

PHP is a key language for web development taught in this beginner-friendly course. By the end of the course, you will have gained skills related to PHP, HTML, and more. Includes projects, quizzes, guided help, and a completion certificate.

Learn PHP
Source: Codecademy

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Related Reads:

Conclusion: IQ Alone Is Not Sufficient For Becoming A Programmer!

In the world of programming, success isn’t determined by IQ alone. While cognitive abilities play a role, factors like problem-solving skills, persistence, adaptability, and a passion for learning are equally important.

Whether you’re aspiring to be a web developer, software engineer, or even exploring the world of ethical hacking, remember that these fields value practical skills and dedication over raw intelligence. 

Don’t let concerns about IQ hold you back. Focus on developing logical thinking, building resilience, and embracing continuous learning. With the right mindset and approach, you can thrive in the rewarding programming field. 

Take small steps today and start learning online with Codecademy and join communities of like-minded people to stay motivated.


How much IQ do you need for programming?

There’s no specific IQ requirement for programming. Skills like problem-solving, persistence, and the ability to learn continuously can be developed with practice, regardless of IQ. And these are skills that make a good programmer.

Do computer programmers have high IQs?

While some programmers may have above-average IQs, it’s not a universal trait or requirement. Many successful programmers attribute their success to hard work, experience, and passion rather than innate intelligence.

What is Elon Musk’s IQ?

Elon Musk’s exact IQ is not publicly known. While he’s considered highly intelligent, there’s no verified IQ score. It’s important to note that success in tech and business, like Musk’s, depends on many factors beyond IQ, including funding, vision, determination, and adaptability.

What is a good IQ for a software engineer?

There is no defined “good” IQ for software engineering. It requires a mix of technical knowledge, creativity, and soft skills that aren’t fully captured by IQ tests.

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