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Episode 138: Why some people don’t reach their goals

Jake challenges us to imagine what emotions and feelings we will experience in the following week. Research shows people experience 12-18 emotions a week, and usually they are repeated each and every week. That’s why awesome sauce is so important: if you do it repeatedly, it will be part of your weekly emotional routine and help you smile and feel good about yourself!

When you set up a goal, there is something at the end that you want, something deeper behind actual achievement. If your goal is a new body, a new skill or a new attitude, there is more behind that goal: better pictures and memories, a new job and a new life!

Jake has the goal of putting their house for sale in a couple of days. In achieving that goal, he has made it public he would do so, cleaned the house, talked to a realtor. Basically, he set a few sticks hard in the ground to make sure he would achieve this goal. But settings sticks into the ground is not enough: you need to make sure that goal is within a time constraint. Also, having someone to walk the journey with you, will prove to be extremely helpful. It is not necessary for that person to be a coach or an expert into what you want to do, it is enough for that person to be there for you and hold your hand and encourage you along the way! If it is someone who goes through the same struggles as you, all the better.

When it comes to your life, make sure you go with someone who goes through the same things as you are and embrace the suck: that’s what life is all about. We all go through happy moments and less happy moments, but the secret is to embrace all that happens to us and let it be easy!

Here’s what Jake said, in a nutshell:

  • Put a timeframe on your goal
  • Make your goal public
  • Have accountability partners
  • Have someone with you to keep you on task

Mentioned in this episode:

  • http://www.resetgift.com/

Before You Go

Head over to www.operationselfreset.com and sign up for the Toolbox of free gifts that will help motivate and inspire you!

Connect with Jake on Twitter and let him know how you enjoyed the show! You can also connect with him on Facebook or send him an email at support@operationselfreset.com.

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Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.

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