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Today Jake is talking about the amazing new limited time program to kick start 2016 and make it the best year yet!

January 1st, 2016 Self Reset Mastery will begin and the elite of the elite will be in this program to shift their new year into “freaking awesome!!” mode.

People have different ways to change their state, but if you haven’t done it already stand up wherever you are, put your hands over your head and scream (or pretend to scream if you have kids in the house) I’M FREEEEAKKKINNNNG AWEEESOMMMMEE!!! Now, don’t you feel freaking awesome???

Now, let’s get into the meat of things.

Most people see January approaching and they do a few things that almost guarantee their failure.

#1 - They set too many goals

Having multiple goals is okay, as a matter of fact, I have THREE big goals that I will accomplish in 2016! What does NOT work is having too many goals, not being clear and not taking action.

So you want to… GET CLEAR ON YOUR GOALS.

#2 - They are not accountable to anyone

Even the highest achievers need someone to keep them accountable. Sometimes I don’t feel like getting on and putting out content, but guess what?? You guys keep me accountable and I love you for that!

#3 - They do not know the right tricks and tips

It is NECESSARY to have the right tricks and tips if you want to achieve success in this lifetime and I have something that will help you in 2016.

INTRODUCING… SelfMasteryReset.com This is a freaking awesome program that is bringing massive value. Like, for real! I am going to be putting so much of myself into this program that I almost feel crazy for doing this. Why am I doing it anyway?? Because I love you guys. I talk to you guys on text, on the phone, etc. all of the time. I know you are going to love this!! It WILL be a paid program because I know you need to invest in yourself to really take it serious and get the value.

This program will be in Jan, Feb and March. Think of it as a LAUNCH PAD to help you get to your goals. I am going to use it for the same thing. What are my goals for 2016?

  • Host a 2 Day Seminar the End of June (I’ll see you there, right???)
  • Write and Publish a Book (Yes, I did co-author a book with Les Brown but this one is going to be MINE)
  • Expand My Reach

What are your goals? Why do you have them? What is the outcome you expect to get once you achieve these goals?

So, what are the details about SELFRESETMASTERY.COM’s program??

30 people limit and it is ONLY going for 3 months. 45-60 minute webinar once per month. You’ll learn how to live a level 10 life and I will be giving you TWENTY! Yes, TWENTY!! success tips in this 45-60 minute webinar.

You’ll also get a 1/2 hour Q & A webinar. It will be aired to the whole group and also recorded.

There will be a Mastery group in Facebook. It will be 100% secret so only the members will be able to see the content. You can post idea, goals, videos, whatever you believe will help the other group members. REMEMBER: The more that you give, the more you grow!

I will be pairing 3-4 of the members up into accountability pods. There will be a skype or phone call for these 3-4 to get together. No one person changed the world so meeting 2 times per month will be important. It’s only for 3 months guys, that’s only 6 times! If you can’t take out that much time to work on your dreams and goals then this isn’t the right program for you. Sorry. It’s just not.

BONUS: You will get a motivational Monday video from me every Monday!! You’ll also get 1 private 1 on 1 coaching and other bonuses valued at $394 and it gets even better. Since this is the beta group (yeah you’re my test crew!) you get 50% off. All the same value but at half the price!

How do you get interviewed and approved? Go to SelfResetMastery.com Dec 30th 8pm cst / 9pm est and listen to the details. This is a great way to start giving that 100% and you need to believe that you are giving that 100%.

Here’s What Jake Talked About In This Episode

  • Getting accountable
  • Investing in your brain
  • Making time for your goals

Mentioned In This Episode

Before You Go

Head over to OperationSelfReset.com and sign up for the Toolbox for free gifts that will help motivate and inspire you!

Connect with Jake on Twitter and let him know how you enjoyed the show! You can also connect with him on Facebook or send him an email at ask@operationselfreset.com. You can also text or chat with him at 414-550-4012.

Subscribe to Jake’s podcast for more inspiration, and sign up for his emails full of tips to change your life.

Jake Nawrocki
Jake Nawrocki
Motivational speaker, Inventor, Entrepreneur, Real Estate Owner, and Life Coach.

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